8 Common Lipstick Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to perfecting your lip look, it’s not just about the color or finish you choose. The application process itself can make or break your look. Common mistakes can turn a flawless lipstick color into a beauty disaster. This guide will shed light on eight common lipstick mistakes you should avoid to ensure that your pout is always on point. Let’s dive in and explore these lipstick pitfalls and learn how to avoid them for a polished and perfect lip look.

Not Prepping Your Lips

Just like your face, your lips need to be prepped before applying any makeup. Neglecting this step can result in a cakey and uneven application, making it difficult for the color to adhere to your lips. Before applying lipstick, make sure to exfoliate and moisturize your lips with a lip scrub or a gentle toothbrush to remove any dead skin cells and create a smooth canvas for your lipstick. Then, follow up with a hydrating lip balm to lock in moisture and keep your lips soft and supple.

Skipping the Lip Liner

Lip liner is often an overlooked step in the lipstick application process, but it can make all the difference in creating a defined and long-lasting lip look. Lip liner not only helps prevent your lipstick from bleeding or feathering, but it also provides a base for your lipstick to cling onto, making it last longer throughout the day. Choose a lip liner that matches your lipstick color and apply it along the edges of your lips before filling them in with color.

Choosing the Wrong Shade

Selecting the right shade of lipstick can be a daunting task, but it’s crucial to avoid any major color mishaps. It’s essential to consider your skin tone and undertone when choosing a lipstick shade. Warm-toned individuals should opt for warm shades like coral, peach, or red, while cool-toned individuals should choose cooler shades such as pink or berry. Feel free to explore a variety of shades in your quest to discover the ideal match for you.

Related: Can wearing lipstick regularly damage the lips?

Not Using a Lip Brush

Although applying lipstick straight from the tube may seem easier and more convenient, using a lip brush can provide more precision and control. A lip brush allows you to apply lipstick evenly and reach those hard-to-reach areas like the corners of your mouth. It also helps prevent overapplication, resulting in a cleaner and neater look.

Applying Too Much Product

One of the most common lipstick mistakes is applying too much product. This can lead to a cakey, thick, and messy application that may also smudge or transfer easily. Remember, less is more when it comes to lipstick. Start with a small amount of product and build up as needed for a more natural finish.

You can also blot your lips with a tissue after application to remove any excess product.

Not Setting Your Lipstick

Just like you set your foundation and concealer with powder, it’s essential to set your lipstick for a long-lasting finish. After applying your lipstick, take a thin tissue and place it over your lips. Then, using a fluffy brush, lightly dust some translucent powder over the tissue to set your lipstick in place. This technique will ensure that your lipstick remains intact, preventing any fading or smudging throughout the day.

Ignoring Your Teeth

When wearing bold or dark lip colors, it’s crucial to check your teeth for any lipstick transfer. Lipstick on your teeth can be a major beauty faux pas that can easily be avoided by simply blotting your lips with a tissue or using a lip primer before application. You can also insert your finger in your mouth and pull it out to remove any excess product on the inner rim of your lips.

Not Removing Your Lipstick Properly

At the end of the day, removing your lipstick properly is just as important as applying it correctly. Leaving lipstick on overnight can cause it to dry out and potentially stain your lips. Make sure to use a gentle makeup remover or micellar water to remove all traces of lipstick from your lips before going to bed.


Lipstick is an essential element of any makeup look, but applying it correctly is key to achieving a flawless pout. By avoiding these common lipstick mistakes, you can ensure that your lipstick is always on point and stays put throughout the day. Remember to prep and moisturize your lips, use a lip liner, choose the right shade, apply with a brush, blot for less product, set with powder, check for transfer on teeth, and remove properly at the end of the day. With these tips in mind, you can confidently rock any lipstick color and achieve a flawless lip look every time. Happy lipping!

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