Excessive Watery Eyes? Discover the Causes and Effective Treatment Methods!

Excessive tear production, scientifically referred to as “watery eye,” is a medical condition that causes tears to overflow onto the face due to inadequate drainage. This issue is related to problems in fluid drainage from the eye. If you or someone you know is experiencing watery eye, it’s important to understand its causes, symptoms, and available treatments. Find out more about watery eye and how to manage it effectively.

Excessive secretion of eye tears

There is no doubt that the presence of tears on the front surface of the eyes is important to keep them from drying out, but the presence of many of them may make it difficult to see and may cause other problems and complications.

People of any age can suffer from excessive tear production, but it is most common in children and people over the age of 60, while the disease can affect one or both eyes.

Causes of eye tears

According to Medical News Today , the two main causes of teary eyes are blocked tear ducts and excessive tear production.

The first reason is the blockage of tear ducts.

New babies may experience teary eyes due to underdeveloped tear ducts, a common occurrence. Typically, these tearful episodes diminish within a few weeks as the tear ducts mature. Explore more about newborn tear ducts and their development here.

In older children and adults, tear ducts can become blocked in one or both eyes, and this may occur along with other symptoms, such as blurred vision, swollen eyes, crusty eyelids, and eye redness.

In some cases, these symptoms get worse after exposure to wind or during low temperatures.

The most common cause of excessive tearing in the eyes among adults and children is blocked tear ducts, usually due to swelling or inflammation.

If the tear ducts are narrow or blocked, tears will not drain and will accumulate in the tear sac.

When there are more stagnant tears in the lacrimal sac, it increases the risk of infection, and the eye produces a sticky fluid, which makes the problem worse.

The infection can also lead to inflammation in the side of the nose next to the eye.

The second reason is: excessive production of eye tears

Irritated or inflamed eyes produce more tears than usual, and the eyes rinse this irritation away through increased tear production.

The following irritants can cause increased tear production in one or both eyes:

  • Certain chemicals, such as those found in smoke and even onions
  • Infectious conjunctivitis, or pink eye.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis.
  • Eye injury, such as a scratch, pebble, or piece of dirt.
  • Trichiasis, where eyelashes grow inward.
  • Entropion is when the lower eyelid turns outward.

Depending on the specific cause, excessive production of eye tears may occur due to irritation, along with symptoms such as inflammation, redness, itching, blurred vision, pain, and increased sensitivity to light.

Some people also suffer from tears that contain a high percentage of fat, which leaves painful and irritated spots, causing increased tear production.

Exposure to smoke, wind, or cold weather can also temporarily increase tear production, in addition to yawning, laughing, or vomiting.

Other causes of increased eye tear production

Many reasons lead to increased production of eye tears, such as:

  • Keratitis
  • Corneal ulcer
  • A boil or lump that can grow on the edge of the eyelid
  • Bell’s palsy
  • Allergies, including hay fever
  • A problem with glands in the eyelids called meibomian glands
  • Use of certain medications

Treatment of increased eye tear production

Treatment depends on how serious the problem is, the cause, and whether or not there are other symptoms.

In mild cases, doctors may recommend waiting, doing nothing, and monitoring the patient.

However, if the problem does not resolve on its own or if symptoms worsen, additional treatment may be necessary.

The various causes of increased eye tear production require specific treatment options, which are :

Irritation: Increased tear production caused by viral conjunctivitis usually resolves on its own, while doctors treat bacterial conjunctivitis with antibiotic drops.

Trichiasis: If an eyelash grows or there is a foreign body in the eye, the doctor removes it from the affected eye.

Entropion: If the eyelid turns outward, the patient may need to undergo surgery, in which the doctor tightens the tendon that holds the eyelid in place. This condition can affect one or both eyelids.

Blocked tear ducts: Surgery can create a new channel from the tear sac to the inside of the nose. This allows tears to bypass the blocked part of the tear duct. This surgical procedure is called dacryocystorhinostomy.

Increased secretion of eye tears in children

In newborns, the condition usually resolves on its own within a few weeks, and only 1-6% of babies experience symptoms.

Sometimes a sticky liquid may form around the child’s eyes or eyes, and the caregiver can use a piece of cotton moistened with sterile water to clean the eyes,

It may also be possible to expel tears by gently massaging the tear ducts and applying light pressure with the finger and thumb on the outside of the nose.

Home remedies

Natural remedies for teary eyes can provide relief without the need for a doctor’s visit. Discover effective home treatments to manage watery eyes.

Home treatments include the following:

  • Take a break from reading, watching TV, or using the computer.
  • Lubricating eye drops are available to buy over the counter or online.
  • Place a warm, wet cloth over the eye, and massage the eyelid to release any blockage.
  • Use a sterile eye wipe to remove any dirt from the eyes and eyelids.

Cases that require a visit to the doctor

If the following symptoms appear, a person should call or visit a doctor as soon as possible:

  • Poor vision
  • Pain or swelling around the eyes
  • Feeling that there is something in the eye
  • Persistent redness in the eye.
  • The tearing and pain that a person feels early in the morning, may indicate repeated corneal abrasion or erosion of the outer layer of the cornea.

Finally: As much as this problem is considered a simple medical condition that can be treated, it can be serious, and may cause blindness if the symptoms worsen without treatment. Therefore, the best thing that can be done if symptoms of increased tear production appear is to try to treat it directly. Hurry, or visit a doctor if home treatments do not work.

The LifeBei team understands the importance of consulting with healthcare professionals before starting any medication, supplements, vitamins, or specific dietary changes, especially if you have a specific health condition. Prioritize your well-being and seek professional advice for optimal health management.

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