10 side effects of almond milk that may shock some people!

Almond milk is not suitable for infants, growing children, diabetics and thyroid patients

Almond milk, a widely embraced dairy substitute, has gained tremendous popularity for its smooth texture and subtle taste. However, it has recently faced critique regarding potential side effects associated with its consumption.

1. Allergies

Almond milk, a popular alternative to dairy milk, can potentially trigger allergic reactions in individuals with almond or nut allergies. These reactions can manifest as itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. It is important for those with known allergies to exercise caution and carefully read labels to ensure their safety when consuming almond milk or products containing it.

2. Digestive system problems

Some people can experience digestive problems, such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea, after consuming almond milk due to its fiber content.

3. Nutritional deficiency

Almond milk lacks essential nutrients found in cow’s milk, such as calcium and protein, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies if not adequately supplemented.

4. Calorie content

Consuming excess amounts of calorie-dense almond milk, particularly the full-fat varieties, can contribute to weight gain.

5. Glycemic variants

Flavored or sweetened almond milk can be high in added sugars, which may contribute to weight gain, dental problems and other health concerns.

6. Oxalate content

Almonds, being high in oxalate, a naturally occurring compound, have been found to have the potential to contribute to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible individuals when consumed excessively. It is important to note that while almonds are a nutritious food, moderation in consumption is key to maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.

7. Mineral deficiency

Almonds, a nutritious food, contain phytic acid, which is an anti-nutrient that can potentially hinder the absorption of essential minerals such as iron and zinc. This inhibition of mineral absorption may contribute to the development of mineral deficiencies in the body, prompting the need for a well-rounded diet that includes other sources of these vital minerals.

Related: 10 Surprising Benefits of Almond Milk

8. Thyroid patients

Almond milk contains thyroid hormones, which are compounds that can interfere with thyroid function when consumed in large quantities, affecting the thyroid gland. Therefore, almond milk is not suitable for thyroid patients.

9. Children and infants

Almond milk is not recommended for infants and growing children as it does not contain the essential nutrients necessary for their growth and development. It lacks sufficient levels of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals that are vital for proper infant nutrition.

10. Diabetics

Although almond milk is generally considered low in carbohydrates, it can still cause an increase in blood sugar levels, especially for individuals with diabetes or insulin resistance. This is because almond milk contains natural sugars that can impact blood glucose levels. Those with diabetes or insulin resistance need to monitor their blood sugar levels carefully and consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best dietary choices for their specific needs.


while almond milk serves as a popular, dairy-free alternative, it is essential to be aware of its potential side effects. While it can be a great option for vegans and those with lactose intolerance, its suitability for other groups such as infants, children, diabetics, and thyroid patients is questionable. Furthermore, its potential to trigger allergies and affect digestion underscores the importance of mindful consumption. It is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes. As with all foods, moderation and balance are key to maintaining optimum health.

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