Have you restricted fat, sugar, oil and rice from your diet, done the most strenuous exercise, and yet you are still gaining weight? Then you must find out the reason through tests that reveal the reason for not losing weight.
Analysis reveals the reason for not losing weight
There are many more reasons for resistance to weight loss than just poor diet and lifestyle, so blood tests will help you accurately determine your hormonal status, which indirectly helps in checking weight gain.
Below are the most prominent proven analyses that reveal the reason for not losing weight, which will help you determine the root cause of your weight gain.
1. Liver function analysis
Blood tests that fall under liver function tests are ALT, AST, and GGT.
The reason for ordering these blood tests is that the liver is one of the main organs in the body that takes care of detoxification.
Detoxification is nothing but getting rid of toxins, which also includes excess fat from the body, as the liver helps in the process of metabolizing fats.
A stressed or dysfunctional liver can cause the buildup of toxins in the blood, inflammation, as seen in obesity, and the accumulation of fat around the abdomen.
We all know how great it is to lose stubborn belly fat! So, if you are looking to lose weight in the long term, pay attention to your liver health.
2. Analysis of triglycerides and cholesterol
According to the Possible Medical website, the test that comes next is the triglyceride test, and it includes 4 tests: (HDL cholesterol levels, LDL cholesterol levels, total cholesterol, and triglycerides).
Elevated levels of LDL and total cholesterol ring an alarm bell for your overall health; Not just weight loss.
On the other hand, a high or optimal level of HDL or good cholesterol is a good sign.
3. Thyroid hormone analysis
A blood test for thyroid hormone involves measuring T3, T4, and TSH levels.
Did you know that thyroid hormone acts on every cell in the body that it controls, and this also means our metabolism.
A high level of thyroid hormone can cause your metabolic rate to decrease.
Everything you want to know about metabolism and its effect on burning fat from here.
4. Blood sugar or insulin analysis
Blood glucose can be tested during fasting and after eating, as well as for insulin levels.
Insulin is known to be a fat-building hormone, so excess levels are sure to ensure the accumulation of fat in the body.
Insulin not only causes fat to be stored but also prevents the breakdown of fat as an energy source.
Diabetes is a condition characterized by an increase in insulin levels in the circulation, leading to insulin resistance, hence it makes sense to get your blood sugar and insulin levels tested.

5. Iron analysis
Blood tests that you can order for your blood iron level are hemoglobin, ferritin, and transferrin. This will help you understand your iron status.
Now, weight loss depends on the availability of many nutrients, and iron is one of them. If you suffer from iron deficiency, you may feel tired.
In this scenario, even as your metabolism slows down, exercise may also seem like a difficult task when you are deficient in iron.
Nutritionists can help you with ways to prevent iron deficiency by changing your diet.
A study published by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information in 2014 showed that correcting iron deficiency leads to weight loss.
6. Analysis of vitamin D and vitamin B12
Vitamins and weight loss.. Let us tell you the results of a study conducted by the scientific journal Medical Hypotheses in 2009, which confirmed that our body can control weight.
The study explained that the moment the body reaches a specific weight, it tries to maintain the body weight at that weight, but the whole problem begins during the winter when the body begins to store fat to burn during the cold.
So when you’re deficient in Vitamin D, which is the sunshine vitamin, your body thinks it’s winter and starts storing fat.
Likewise, B complex vitamins are important for the digestion and utilization of carbohydrates in the diet.
In its absence, this process is disrupted. Which leads to fat deposition, so it is important to have a diet full of these nutrients.
7. Sex hormone analysis
Women can be overweight if they have polycystic ovary syndrome or polycystic ovary syndrome.
Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones, such as testosterone and insulin, which cause weight gain.
8. Stress hormone analysis
Various hormones are released in stressful situations that lead to weight gain and obesity.
When the body is under stress, it also releases a hormone known as cortisol. This finding has shed light on the physiological stress response.
This hormone not only leads to the storage of fat in the body, but also increases food cravings, and encourages hunger pangs for fatty or sugary foods, according to the American medical website Better Weigh Medical.