Experts determine the ideal room temperature for sleep

Experts recommend lowering the room temperature to between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius for optimal sleep, but a recent study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment found that this may not be the best temperature for everyone.

The results of this study highlight the possibility of improving sleep quality in older people by improving home thermal environments and adjusting the temperature based on individual needs and circumstances. Some people may feel hot and sweaty in a 25-degree room at night, while others may be completely satisfied.

Suitable room temperature for the elderly

The study indicated that the elderly get ideal sleep in warm rooms at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The study included people over the age of 65, and they were followed for 12 months at some point during the study timeline, from October 2021 to February 2023. In total, the study consisted of 11,000 nights of sleep.

The appropriate temperature for infants

Since their bodies are smaller and still developing, infants are more sensitive to changes in ambient temperature, so relatively warm rooms may be better for them, Ideally, the temperature should range from 20 to 22 degrees Celsius, and in hot climates, it should not exceed 24 degrees Celsius.

Experts recommend using moderate sleepwear for general weather, ensuring the appropriate temperature by adjusting the thermostat, and avoiding blankets.

Parents can monitor their child’s temperature during the night by touching his stomach or the back of his neck.

Some research indicates that babies reach thermal maturity at 11 weeks old, according to the National Library of Medicine.

What happens when your bedroom is too warm?

High temperatures can lead to discomfort and sleeplessness at night. If the bedroom is excessively warm, it can disrupt the body’s ability to regulate temperature and result in fatigue, which can negatively impact performance and concentration during the day.

Oftentimes, an exhausted person feels physically and mentally tired but is unable to sleep. The reason for insomnia is the decrease in body temperature during sleep, as a cold room helps stabilize and maintain sleep throughout the night.

According to scientists, the reason behind this phenomenon is the fluctuation in the body’s internal temperature throughout a 24-hour period, known as the circadian rhythm. As you prepare for sleep, your body starts to release heat and continues to cool down until it reaches its lowest point around dawn, usually at approximately five in the morning, as stated on the “Healthline” website.

It cools your body by expanding the blood vessels in your skin. When your temperature begins to drop at night, you may notice that your hands and feet become warmer at first. This is because your body allows heat to escape through it to reduce your core temperature.

If the temperature in your sleeping environment is too hot or cold, this may cause a decrease in your internal body temperature and cause you to have disturbed sleep.

How do you determine the ideal temperature for your sleep?

It takes about a week to accurately determine your ideal sleeping temperature, according to HuffPost.

To find out the appropriate temperature for you, set the room air conditioning at 20 degrees Celsius, which is the temperature supported by most research.

Keep a log of how you felt during the night. Did you wake up cold? Are your feet cold or too warm? Do you think a fan would help? How about an extra blanket? Do not determine the appropriate temperature for you based on just one or two nights because our sleep fluctuates. Take notes for at least 7 days, to see how temperature affects the quality of sleep.

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