Vitamin C: Benefits and sources, along with the recommended daily dosage.

Vitamin C is not only a physiological antioxidant, but also a crucial nutrient for overall health. It plays a vital role in maintaining connective tissues, such as bones, skin, and blood vessels, while also contributing to numerous important functions within the body.

Benefits of vitamin C

The most important benefits of vitamin C include:

  • It plays a crucial role in the production of neurotransmitters and collagen, making it essential for wound healing.
  • Participates in protein metabolism.
  • It plays an effective role in immune function.
  • Improves the absorption of iron found in plant foods.
  • It contributes to reducing total cholesterol, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides.

It prevents the formation of free radicals that cause cell damage and transform them from normal cells into cancer cells. Hence, one of the advantages of vitamin C is its potential to decrease the likelihood of developing stomach, colon, and intestinal cancer.

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in the formation of bones. It is vital for collagen synthesis, which serves as the foundation for bone formation. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin C is therefore essential for promoting optimal bone health.

It plays a crucial role in the development and maturation of nerves, facilitating the rapid transmission of nerve signals.

Vitamin C plays a significant role in weight loss and reducing body mass index. During moderate-intensity exercise, vitamin C aids in the oxidation of fats in the body. A deficiency in vitamin C can hinder fat loss efforts, making it important to ensure adequate intake.

In addition to the above, vitamin C has other potential benefits, such as:

Helps delay or prevent cataracts known as white water in the eye.

Regular physical activity can play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of certain cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other ailments. However, further research and studies are still warranted to delve deeper into this intricate connection.

Sources of vitamin C

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the ultimate providers of vitamin C. It is advisable to avoid subjecting natural sources of vitamin C to heat or water during cooking, as this may lead to the degradation of a portion of the vitamin C content present in these foods.

Types of fruits that contain vitamin C include:

Acidic fruits and juices, such as orange, lemon, and grapefruit.

Kiwi fruit.

Cantaloupe and watermelon.




the strawberry.


Types of vegetables that contain vitamin C include:


Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

Green and red pepper.

Spinach, cabbage, kale, and other leafy vegetables.

Sweet and white potatoes.

Tomatoes and tomato juice.

Green peas.

Nutritional supplements are a convenient way to obtain Vitamin C. These supplements come in various forms, including pills, capsules, and effervescent tablets.

Daily dose of vitamin C

According to the National Institutes of Health, the recommended daily requirement for vitamin C is:

Adults over 19 years of age

Men: 90 mg daily.

Women: 75 mg daily.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women: 85-120 mg daily.

Children and adolescents

Infants 0-6 months: 40 mg daily.

Infants 7-12 months old: 50 mg daily.

1-3 years Children: 15 mg daily.

4-8 years Children: 25 mg daily.

9-13 years Children: 45 mg daily.

Male adolescents 14-18 years: 75 mg daily.

Female adolescents 14-18 years: 65 mg daily.

Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C deficiency causes some symptoms, such as:

Fatigue and general weakness.

Muscle fatigue.

Joint pain .

Immunodeficiency and recurrence of infection.

Scurvy is an illness that arises from a significant lack of vitamin C, resulting in symptoms like fatigue, weakened connective tissue, and fragility of blood vessels.

Some groups are more susceptible to vitamin C deficiency, including:

Smokers, or people exposed to passive smoking.

Infants who rely only on boiled or evaporated milk.

People with certain health conditions, such as intestinal malabsorption.

Risks of taking too much vitamin C

 The human body can effectively absorb and utilize around 200-250 milligrams of vitamin C each day. Any excess amounts of this water-soluble vitamin are excreted through urine. Maintaining an adequate intake of vitamin C is crucial for a healthy body.

However, consuming large amounts of vitamin C may lead to some risks, including:

Symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps may occur, along with other gastrointestinal issues. It is important to note that the formation of kidney stones can be a potential risk, particularly when consuming high doses of vitamin C, exceeding 2000 mg per day or more. Additionally, prolonged and excessive intake of vitamin C may lead to enhanced absorption of iron, which can contribute to iron overload and potential tissue damage.

The body can use larger amounts of vitamin C during times of illness, during recovery from certain injuries or colds, or in conditions of increased oxidative stress, such as smoking.

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